Eighth Grade Cross Country Racer From White Plains On An Upward Incline

A lot of good goes with being able to say you made the high school varsity in eighth grade.At the same time, the actual experience can easily become an uphill battle.Not to worry, if 13 year old Cardon Furry of the White Plains Girls Cross Country team approaches the challenge with the same mind set at the foot of a hill, she'll be just fine.


"I'm glad because I know it slows a lot of people down and then I try to get up it really fast because you can pass a lot of people," says the White Plains Middle School student.


And a medal in her first freshman meet shows she also knows how to make the most of the downward incline, but excluding the ups and downs, she understands that keeping an even keel truly separates the fast from the slow."You have to learn how to pace yourself and how fast you can start, and then have enough energy at the end - but not too much," she says.

Back tracking, she greeted her spot on the varsity after only two years of running with excitement but also a degree of surprise."I knew I was a good runner but I didn't realize I was that good," she says.


Given that, the measure of success she's after is to be seen as a good runner that people remember.Either way, running cross country is a race she cannot lose.

"I think just being with my friends is what I like most about it," she concludes.

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Article Written by richmonetti

I write and quite well

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