A young boy joins the Boy Scouts. He likes the outdoors, tying knots, pitching tents, and most especially, helping others in the community. And then it happens, the symmetry of his tent mate’s ass has now taken on an entirely different meaning.
Not to worry Westchester based writer Matt Barber and your recent editorial, he’s down with God, and knows the almighty detests his new found revelation. If that gets to be too much, the youngster has a hierarchal structure of men and boys in uniform to stand behind him in this time of uncertainty.
This isn’t going to end well, is
it?I’m sorry, we’re talking about a Boy Scout here, and the community has prepared him quite diligently to make ethical and moral questions. In other words, if he “craves sex with other males,” as Barber states, he can temper his sexual largesse by dating your sister, cousin, niece, daughter or granddaughter.
That said, I wonder if the BSA has jurisdiction of an eagle’s thoughts. “Homosexual behavior is always wrong in every way.” I believe Mr. Barber just answered my question.
With his thoughts censored due to honor, the Boy Scout breaks up with the young lady because he can no longer follow through on the romantic end of the relationship. Feelings of the jilted young lady aside, now what?
For one, Barber tells us homosexual men and women are not devoid of admirable qualities. What a relief for the young boy. He just wishes it wasn’t so hot around the dying embers of the campfire.
Don’t surrender – only the bullies will take solace in that. We all know that intense physical anxiety is the best way to displace sexual angst. Oh but the sweat beading from the nape of the disinterested scout clearing a path to the right.
Don’t fret, the biblical and Boy Scout model has you in their prayers, and soon enough, you’ll be asleep - not responsible for your subconscious perversity.
Otherwise, there’s always Opus Dei but thankfully this boy’s burden is not currently complicated by a scenario where an adult gay male serves openly in your ranks. The elder won’t be there to seduce the novice with self-destructive ideas of self acceptance.
It also eliminates the possibility that a scout master will be able to ease a young boy’s desire by relieving his own
and in spades.Reassuringly, Barber clarifies for us that not every gay male is a pedophile. I can only assume that the gay community is enthusiastic to know of my colleague’s support. Still, gay men are ten times more likely to be pedophiles than heterosexuals. Whether such a statistic is legitimate I leave to all the conflicting data on the internet.
Conceding this because I don’t have a team of researchers to confirm or deny the truth, it means that loving fathers who let their daughters out of the house are faced with the same statistical scenario. (Ten times as many men are heterosexual – thus subjecting girls to the equal unfortunate odds).
At this point, I’m going to get serious about the scouts. regardless of how difficult that is in wake of Barber’s comical dissertation. When I was a kid, I thought the scouts consisted of a bunch of guys who joined because they weren’t any good at sports. In turn, they took to the woods.
Among the rest of us, Boy Scouts didn’t get much respect. I can’t say after growing up, I gave much worth to the organization and their members. But as a reporter, I have done a number of stories on local scouts. To the last, these kids are remarkable and stand light years ahead of the rest of us.
Nonetheless, it’s their club. They can do what they want and I really could care less if they admit gays.
I’m just pretty sure they don’t want the likes of Matt Barber making a case for them - in any regard.
#GayMarriage Marriage Redefined. Wouldn’t be the first time http://expertscolumn.com/content/gay-marriage-just-because-marriage-has-been-defined-doesnt-mean-it-cant-be-redefined